Quick detox therapies aim to eliminate toxins from the body and revitalize the system, promoting relaxation and rejuvenation. These therapies draw from the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, a holistic health approach originating from India, which focuses on rebalancing the body's life forces known as doshas. Here's a detailed overview of each therapy:

1] Abhyanga and Swedan (Full body massage and Medicated steam):

Abhyanga involves a full-body massage using therapeutic Ayurvedic oils, followed by Swedan, which is medicated steam therapy. This combination improves blood circulation, soothes accumulated tension and stress, and promotes relaxation of both body and mind.

2] Basti (Medicated oil or decoction enema):

Basti is an enema therapy using herbal oils or decoctions. It is a key component of Panchakarma, targeting vata disorders and aiding in detoxification and rejuvenation.

3] Nasyam:

Nasyam involves administering medicated oils, powders, or herbal extracts into the nasal canal. This therapy is beneficial for various head and neck ailments such as sinusitis, migraine, and throat infections, as it helps clear blockages and balances doshas.

4] Shirodhara:

Shirodhara is a soothing therapy where a continuous stream of warm liquid, such as oil, milk, or buttermilk, is poured onto the forehead (the third eye). This technique induces deep relaxation, relieves stress, and promotes mental clarity.

5] Navarakizi (Rice pottali Massage):

Navarakizi involves a specialized massage using rice boluses dipped in herbal decoctions and warm milk. Administered by four therapists simultaneously after Abhyanga, this technique is highly effective for rejuvenation and muscle relaxation.

6] Sarvangadhara:

Sarvangadhara is a treatment where herbal oil, medicated milk, or buttermilk is continuously poured over the entire body. This therapy promotes circulation, relieves muscle tension, induces relaxation, and aids in achieving restful sleep.
In summary, these Ayurvedic detox therapies offer a comprehensive approach to cleansing the body of toxins, promoting overall well-being, improving skin tone and hair health, relieving stress, and rejuvenating the mind and body.