The word 'Garbha Sanskar' is itself a self-explanatory fetus/Garbha means a new life taking shape in a woman's womb and Sanskara means to educate. During the pregnancy period whatever emotional perceptions a woman experiences, the same are transmitted to the fetus/Garbha. The process of selecting and transmitting positive influences using yoga, reading, thinking, and praying including healthy eating and cheerful behavior is known as 'Garbha Sanskar'.

Preconception care & Counselling:

Preconception Care is important to carry out the identification of factors that can affect the woman's health and ability to carry a healthy baby. Important factors that may be assessed are lifestyle patterns, nutritional and diet history, menstrual and gynecological history any information regarding the use of contraception or previous pregnancies.
Family medical history of hypertension, diabetes, epilepsy, chronic heart disease, liver or kidney conditions, endocrine disorders, pulmonary disorders, bleeding disorders or cancers, genetic disorders or birth defects medical history of the mother as well as a father – whether she & he has had any serious medical problems like the one as above.

Garbha Sanskar Program

The Garbha Sanskar program includes 3 stages:

1] PRECONCEPTION (Beej Sanskar)

Healthy fertility is a result of the union of healthy ovum and sperm, additionally, a principle of consciousness (spirit) needs to establish itself in this union then only a positive pregnancy is established. Our preconception program includes the following measures. Determining the Prakriti (body constitution) of both the parents after proper examination and getting acquainted with their medical history if any.
Beej Shuddhi (Shodhan Sanskar) by Panchakarma so that Ovum (Matru beej) and Sperm (Pitru beej) are in their best & purest form and devoid of any abnormalities or genetic disorders
Panchakarma (body cleansing) is followed by Rasayan (rejuvenation) and Vajikar (aphrodisiac) medicines.
Treatment for any associated ailments that can cause any problem in conception
Associated treatments that enhance the internal environment in the womb-like uttar basti, Pichu Dharan, and Dhawan dietary guidance, yoga, exercise, and meditation study about probable days for conception.

2] PREGNANCY PERIOD (Garbha Sanskar)

The five gross elements (Pancha-Mahabhoot) are not enough to give life. The integration of life force with these elements is imperative, that is what happens when conception takes place. This life force is free and independent and enters the embryo of its own will. Thus, the creation of a new life is considered to be no less than a natural miracle.
The way we conduct Garbha Sanskara is as follows:
Along with regular medication, pregnancy complications are treated with herbal medicines which are safe for pregnancy. In the third trimester, some Pichus (Medicated Swab) and Vasti (Medicated Enema) are given for easy labor
Relaxation Therapy
Many times, women start feeling cramps and/or pain in their feet, legs, lower back, hands, head, etc which makes them uncomfortable and restless. Having painkillers is not a solution for it. Few light massage therapy with medicated oils on particular regions can relieve the pain and help the woman relax and enjoy the pregnancy.
Proper diet
Parents need to be explained the importance of proper nutrition, timely meals, and healthy meals. Meals should be taken in a healthy and happy environment. Spicy, too salty, fermented, highly flavored, pungent, and stale foods should be avoided during pregnancy.
Proper clothing that suits to pregnant lady is advised. Clothes should be loose and light-colored. Fitting clothes disturb blood circulation.
Prayers and Havan
Praying and other spiritual activities like havan are an important part of Garbha sanskar. It is believed to play a role in the spiritual development of a baby. These include prayers to bless the baby with good attributes like intelligence, good health, happiness, and good moral values.
Listening Music
Your unborn baby can hear and respond to sounds from the seventh month onwards. So, if you're listening to music, it's likely that the baby will be able to hear it too. A good place to start is to hear pregnancy shlokas rendered in traditional ragas that create soothing music for expectant mothers. Besides stimulating your baby, listening to music can be an excellent stress buster for you.
Communication with baby
Communicating with your baby, or Garbha sanwaad, is considered to be the most important aspect of Garbha Sanskar. It is believed to stimulate the baby's senses and contribute to mental and physical growth. It can also go a long way towards building a strong bond between parents and babies.
Books Reading
According to Garbh Sanskar, it is believed that reading educative books during pregnancy will pass on wisdom to the child. Read books that give positive feelings and thoughts and make you feel happy and avoid books that are filled with horror or thrilling feelings.
Garbhini Yoga & Exercise
It should be done as per the doctor's advice and under the supervision of an expert only. Garbhini Yoga or mild exercises increase the flexibility and elasticity of the mother’s muscles, which would be useful during labor. It increases blood circulation and the capacity to bear the pain during pregnancy and labor. The pranayama and breathing techniques in yoga help in relaxation. We do cover the proper technique to do it as per the progress of the trimesters. Also special asanas during the last month of pregnancy.
Meditation & Affirmation
Meditation is an integral part of yoga as well as Garbha Sanskar. It helps to give you peace of mind and improve your concentration. In doing so it is believed that you are helping your baby in the same way. You are helping him/her develop the ability to stay calm in stressful circumstances which is very important, also affirmation’s creating and practicing activities are conducted to inculcate positive attitude and results for mother and baby. All family members' participation gives the best results.


A mother who has recently delivered has problems with anxiety, depression, insecurity, dryness, constipation, gas, indigestion, and sleep, which are all Vata complications. According to Ayurveda, after childbirth, a mother should be treated for a vata imbalance. Ayurveda prescribes an easily digestible specific diet and medication to regain her vitality and improve lactation. Mild massages or dilation of the body is recommended for vitiated Vata.
A special kit is provided which includes Body massage oil for mother & Baby massage oil, Baby bath powder, Baal guti with names, properties & usage of all ingredients, and how to administer it. Post delivery kadha for mother for 3 months. Also any other medications as per the necessity of individual Prakruti.
Baby Massage
A practical session on teaching techniques for doing baby massage is conducted before delivery. It is recommended that the mother should do the massage & bath for the baby.
Bal Sanskar
Bal Zanskar is an introduction to baby care and again imparts some good habits in babies, it includes topics like proper techniques of holding the baby, safety issues while sleeping, feeding, and sanitation of the baby. Management of common complaints of baby like colic pain, gases, vomiting, etc. Settling down a crying baby. And of course, swarn pradhan an ayurvedic immunization is also an integral part of bal Zanskar
Mother is taught basics of Breastfeeding, Do's and Don'ts during and after feeding. The importance and techniques of massage and bathing are taught to the mother.

Available Appointments on May 18, 2024

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